Sunday, March 28, 2010

The Eye of the Storm

The Eye of the Storm, originally uploaded by Matt Toynbee.
Another incredible find, this one by Matt Toynbee~

A story to tell

A story to tell, originally uploaded by abennett23.
This amazing Photo is from Abennett23 at his Flickr Photostream, where you will find many more great shots.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Real Life Through Photos

I found this amazing capture while searching the Web for Postcard shots for my postcard blog and as the law of Randomness would have it I found Kirk's amazing Flickr Photostream where I had the best time traveling through his photos. This one in particular jumped out at me, not just because of the artfulness of his subject but because of the back story. Kirk gives this distinguished gentlemen copies of this incredible photo (so that he can sell them) in exchange for the opportunity to photograph him. Love It!
From Kirk Thompson's Flickr Photostream
This is totally AMAZING~!

At Kirk's Flickr Photostream you'll find everything from Musicians and Dancers to Protesters and Skaters, with everything between. Take a quick trip over to Flickr and I'm sure you'll be inspired as I have been :-)

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Photography To Be Proud Of

Rosita Plasencia Gonzalez
19~ Peru
This is one of my  Favorite  Finds~
"FairMail is a company producing fair-trade postcards and greeting cards in Peru and India
The photos on FairMail cards are taken by Peruvian and Indian underprivileged teenagers. The photographer gets 50% of the profits to help pay for studies and housing". On the back of the postcards there is a profile of the specific photographer.
I love the different techniques they are taught at their training sessions that they put into action. They are a great group on kids. I've had the privilege of becoming friends via facebook with a couple of them. They take incredible pride in their photography and take their training very seriously.It is an incredible opportunity for them to learn and  to help them with their future.

The best part is that we get to help them buy purchasing their cards, calendars, etc.

 You can also go to the site and vote on photographs that the kids have taken. It's a great program, I hope you will take the time to check it out!